Public Gardens
The Evergreen Garden Club (EGC) was established in 1965. Since then, club members have continuously responded to community needs for beautification at numerous public spaces. Members volunteer many hours each growing season by planting, weeding and watering. The Club and community benefit from, and appreciate the efforts of novice-through-expert gardeners working together.
Below is a list of our 9 public garden projects the Evergreen Garden Club is currently working on. For more information email:
Garden Volunteer Coordinator - Annell Hoy
Upcoming Event!
1st Annual Open Public Gardens Day!
Saturday-July 17th (10:00am - 2:00pm)
Come join the Evergreen Garden Club
at 7 of the public gardens located throughout Evergreen.
Master Gardeners will be on hand providing information about specific plants in each garden and any other questions you have about gardening at high-altitude!
Participating Public Gardens:
Evergreen Public Library, Hwy 73
Evergreen Metro Water District Garden (by the Evergreen Lake Dam Spillway Park)
Hiwan Homestead - Victorian Garden
Hiwan Homestead - Herb Garden
Hiwan Homestead – Flowers for a Friend
Evergreen Metro District Building, Stagecoach Blvd.
Evergreen Fire/Rescue Training Building, Bergen Pkwy
To download the event flyer, click here...
Evergreen Metro Water District
4671 Highway 73 - by the Dam
Constructed in 1991, this garden was designed by Garden Club members at the request of Evergreen Metro Water District. The primary focus of the garden is to provide a xeriscape demonstration of water-thrifty plants suitable to the mountain community. Over 30 members participated in the initial planting. It is the Club's largest and most visible project.
Contact: Jeannine Ashton & Annell Hoy
Victorian Garden
Hiwan Homestead Museum
4208 Timbervale Drive
EGC maintains the Victorian era garden in front of the museum. This garden is planted with annuals, perennials, and biennials common during the late 1800's when the ranch and log cabin were first occupied.
Contact: Lorrie Redmond & Cherie Luke
Herb Garden
Hiwan Homestead Museum
4208 Timbervale Drive
This small garden is just behind the large museum sign by the front parking lot. The garden is planted with hardy herbs that flourish in our area.
Contact: Cindy Gibson
Flowers for a Friend
Hiwan Homestead Museum
4208 Timbervale Drive
The "Garden and Flowers for a Friend" sculpture is a tribute to Louise Mounsey, Evergreen Garden Club founder, and her late husband, Bill. The garden and sculpture is in recognition of their vast contribution to help beautify and preserve Evergreen and our mountain community.
Contact: Pam Hinish